MJMS PTSA Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, Sept 29 1:00
Approval of last meeting minutes: Julie Cluff, second by John Hellwig
Roll Call:Julie Cluff, Kelly Collinson, Karen Green, Leslie MacAffee, Andrea Pelley, John Hellwig, Molly Hart, Jen Wilkey
Administration:HR411 ok (all PTA members that work at the school)
John: Do we want to use Netsmarts for our internet safety in February. We decided Yes.
Any teachers, clubs that need volunteers can email a request to Jen Wilkey and it will be forwarded onto the PTA membership. ELD Students have a community service project that needs some chaperones.
Parent Teacher Conference:
Teacher Dinners: VolunteerSpot filling up, Debbie to buy paper goods. PTA will buy paper goods as the school is low on funds from the building.
PTSA Table: Membership
T shirts (Oct 5)
Battle of the Books
Concessions? we will sell just candy to keep it simple.
Volunteer Spot will be created for 2 hour blocks of board members to staff table.
Battle of the Books: Oct 8: Registration Deadline
Oct 13: Kickoff Meeting - Volunteers needed
Student Association: Thank You for the posters! They turned out great!
Next Meeting: Oct 22 - ok from Molly on Paper airplanes. She wants us to take video and photos of the activity.
Reflections: Kelly Collinson to chair Reflections- Thank You.
School Due date:Nov 11
District Due date: Dec 4
District Awards: Jan 26 7:30 pm JHS
State Awards: May 6 Library Downtown
next: Zupas Oct 6 (cancelled because of PT Conference) Decided to keep for Tuesday Oct 6. Show Electronic Flyer on monitors around the school.
Fundraiser: Letter? need to get approval. Approval from Dr Hart given and sent to district.
Jen will contact Rachel Murphy about putting on School Website.
Paypal link on our blog.
Internet Safety week Feb 1-5 As per John Hellwig’s discussion above: we decided to go with Netsmarts to keep it simple.
SCC discuss this? Can we help?
Do something in conjunction with PT Conf Feb 3,4?
Birthday Recognition: went well!Thanks!
Memory Book: Julie Cluff brought information about “Skipple” app. Students. parents, teachers can send photos to app to be used in Memory book. Molly said she will vet the app to see if it can be approved.
The book will be $14.99 for 60 pages.
We want to offer to Broadcasting, Journalism, and Creative Writing classes to contribute what they would like to the Memory book.