Monday, February 29, 2016

2-2-16 Minutes

MJMS PTSA Board Meeting
Tuesday, Feb 2 1:00 pm

Roll Call: Jen Wilkey, Julie Cluff, Kelly Collinson, Andrea Pelley, John Hellwig, Karen Green
Approval of Feb 3 meeting minutes motion by Andrea Pelley, 2nd by Kelly Collinson, 100% approved.

Treasurer Report:Beginning Balance $4435.18, ending balance: $6807.67
Money from Picaboo mess up last year- go to piano?  If not needed, possibly a set of risers for the choir.
Fundraiser and partnerships: Papa Murphy’s spirit week this week.  Flyers passed out and notice on monitors for PT Conferences.
Battle of the Books: Next Meetup Feb 11
Final Battle: March 29
Need to order awards.  Andrea asked for a balance for the BoB budget.
PTSA Student Association: PTSA Student Group will be Thursday,  Feb 18, 2:30-3:15 in the health room.  We are having a game day (board games, uno, etc...). I probably don't need much help on that one - maybe one other person.
Memory Book: we need volunteers at the table.
computers for table:
hand out last years memory books?
We need access to the teacher Drop Box of pictures.  John recommended talking with Melody Carver about this. Gain access through PTSA member with access to account.

Parent Teacher Conferences: volunteer Spot- Just a few volunteers needed.

Nominating Committee:

Next Meeting: March 1

1-6-16 PTA Meeting Miinutes

MJMS PTSA Meeting Minutes

January 6, 2015

Conference Room


Start 1:05pm

Attendance: Jen Wilkey, Julie Cluff, Andrea Pelley, Kelly Collinson, Karen Green, Lisa Hansen, Leslie McAffee,  Dr Hart, Andrea Pelley, Sheri Tait

Approval of minutes:

            December Minutes: Motion - Jen Wilkey. 2nd- Lisa Hansen. Vote was 100% approved


·         Service Report Below: Beginning Balance: 5422.22 Ending Balance: 4555.18

·         Admin: None

·         Membership: 241 members.

·         Student Association: Next mtg: Jan 21st - Playing Games

·         Memory Book: Julie asked: Is lifetouch doing group pictures and what is the date? We need to ask. Skipple will be launched to the students next week by RachelAnn Murphy, Ed Tech.  Posters will go out on Peachjar, all over school and a video will be done for morning announcements.  Julie needs to ask if the skipple app will work on school ipads - answer is no.  It is not set up for ipad yet.

·         Battle of the Books: Next Meeting Jan 12th

·         Fundraiser: Didn't talk about it. 

·         Nominating Committee: Julie Cluff, Kelly Collinson Lisa Hansen.  Voted and approved.  Need slate by Feb Meeting if possible.  Election in March.  We need all positions. Possible names were given.

·         Parent/Teacher Conferences (Feb 3&4):

o    A volunteer Spot will be set up to get volunteers and to get help with set up and clean up each night.  Jen needs someone to organize this:

o   PTSA Table: Memory Books, Membership and Candy.  Julie and Kelly will take the lead on this.  Will have a Volunteer Spot to help.  Julie will make a poster with Teachers who have not signed up yet to get parents to sponsor them!

·         Facebook pages: There are several and it is confusing.  Jen will contact the admins for each and ask them to take them down so parents can find us with more ease. 

·         Saw picture of traveling trophy.  It is awesome.  Ready to use. 

·         Communication was brought up again.  How can we improve our communication with parents? 

Upcoming Events:

·         Classic Fun Skate Night Jan 15 6-10

·         Next Board Meetings:

Tues Feb 2, Tues, Mar 1, Tues Mar 29 (April), Wed May 4

Meeting Adjourned at 2:25pm.