Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Board Meeting 9-1-15

MJMS PTSA Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, Sept 1 1:00

Approval of last meeting minutes: by John Hellwig by email
In attendance: Alicia Davis, Julie Cluff, Kim Watson, Joy Johnson, John Hellwig, Andrea Pelley, Leslie McAffee, Katrina King, Karen Green and Jen Wilkey

Hot Dog Hello:
Evaluation: 960 hot Dogs

Volunteer Spot:
Can everyone login?
Sept 9 Picture Day 7:30-11:00, 11:00-2:30 Alicia Davis 7:30-10:55
Sept 23 Vision Screening 8:30- 11:30 Alicia Davis 8:30-10:55
Battle of the Books ELA presentations

Membership: Julie Cluff reported that we have 199 members to date. 90 of which are students. That is over 10% more than last year.
Student Association : Kim Watson: The next meeting is Thursday Sept 10. Time changed to 2:30- 3:15. They will play a get to know you game and make Battle of the Books Posters.
Battle of the Books Andrea Pelley:  >20 sign ups at Hot Dog Hello
Kick off the week will be the week after P/T Conferences
ELA presentations- We need to schedule this with the school to do this month.                  
Principle letter signed today, $45 check written to be sent to BoB               
Books all ordered $162- much less than last year
Still working out small battle format.  Individual? as a Group? How to make it worth it, but understand some students will not be able to attend.  Discussion of using a point system that then decides where they would end up in a bracket (similar to March Madness)
Partnership nights:Sheri Vaughn- We will need 6 volunteers  at the Chick Fil A nights or they could cancel future spirit nights.  So we will try that this year. 
September 15th--Chick fil a
October 6th--Zupas
December 4th--Classic
January 6th- Chick fil a- added to receive free lunch for entire Mt Jordan Staff (used for Holiday luncheon in December?)
January 15th--Classic
February 2nd--Zupas
March 15th--Chick fil a
Pizza Pie Cafe also does Spirit night. Recommended by Julie Cluff- good percentage return, over 4 night period.

Jen Wilkey: Chick Fil A Sandwich sales at PT conference.  Was approved by Principal, but does not have to count as our fundraiser because it is considered Concessions. 
Alternatives: Little Ceasars Pizza: cheaper? Easier- no pick up that we are aware of, but close and could sell whole Pizza to family.  Several noted that may be easier for family to buy rather than $4 per sandwhich plus anything else we may serve.
Other Fundraiser ideas:
1.    Office received leter from Little Ceasars about 10 Crazy bread Cards we buy for $3, sell for $10=$7 per card.  They like to have you presell- at least when done in the past for other organizations. 
2.    “Un raiser” floating around Facebook from middle school in Texas.  Julie Cluff made out a flier that we could use.  If each student brought $5, we would meet our budget for fundraiser. If we did more, we could have more to pass onto  our PTSA next year.
Jen Wilkey will contact Little Ceasars, find out pricing for concessions and then we could try the “unraiser” as well.

Still need Chairpersons for
Parent/teacher Conference Dinners- Jen will post on Volunteer Spot.  We will have Soups and Salad on Tues, Deli Sandwhiches, pasta salad and fruit for Thursday
White Ribbon Week - a parent night? Mr Hellwig tabled to next meeting

Next Meeting Tuesday Sept 29 1:00 in Conference Room.

Budget Approval 8-27-2015

Mount Jordan PTSA General Meeting Minutes
August 27 6:30
@ Hot Dog Hello

Molly Hart opened the meeting portion of the event. Welcoming students and parents to new building.  
Jen Wilkey explained the roll PTSA at Mt Jordan, what was available that evening and asked all to review the 2015-16 PTSA Budget that had been distributed.  
Karen Moore made the motion to approve the budget.
Ben Simmons seconded the motion.
A unanimous vote to approve followed.