Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Mintues 3-1-16

MJMS PTSA Meeting Minutes

March 1, 2016

Conference Room



Start 1:00pm

Attendance: Jen Wilkey, Julie Cluff, Andrea Pelley, Kelly Collinson, Lisa Hansen, Karen Green, Isabel Santiago, Kim Watson, Diane Iman, Katrina King


Approval of minutes:

            February Minutes: Motion - Lisa Hansen  2nd - Andrea Pelley. Vote was 100% approved



·         Service Hours: please report those on the roll

·         Treasurer: low activity - will include specifics in email

·         Nominating Committee: Still going slow.  So Far: President: Jen Wilkey, Leg VP: Ben Cluff, and Secretary Miranda Guth.  Still need President-Elect, Treasurer and Fundraising VP.  Jen will send an email to the 4 feeder schools.  Julie will update flyer for peachjar and emails.

·         Student Club: No activity in March due to low turnout in February (8 kids). How can we improve the program.  Lots of discussion.  Maybe have an application process and hold meetings during the day.  Maybe have student representatives from each team.  Have students do ribbon weeks. 

·         Memory Book: Cover Contest voting will be in two weeks during lunch.  We have 47 books ordered so far.  Peachjar will go out each week.  Julie is worried about getting all the candid's in the book on time.  A deadline was set for spring break.  After that, the committee will start pulling pictures.  For next year: we need a chairman and a student committee would be awesome.  Maybe Ms Carver's class can help as part of the media class?

·         Battle of the Books: Next Meeting March 17th - Final Battle March 29th.  Good on Budget. Volunteer spot will go live in a few days.  Lots of Volunteers needed.  Need help with Breakfast and Lunch.  Discussed future of program.  Andrea would like to see new Librarian take over.  Discussed that it should be school wide and how to get teachers to buy in.   We need to get teacher's feedback to plan and get buy in for next year.

·         PTA Grant for Piano.  To refurbish the piano, it will cost $25,000.  PTSA applied for an arts grant from Utah PTA of $500 matching funds.  The PTSA would like to grant the picaboo refund check to the school to help with the piano refurbishment costs.  Motion made by Lisa Hansen: "I move that we grant the picaboo refund check in the amount of $2039.44 to the school for the purpose to help in the refurbishment of the grand piano in the auditorium." 2nd by Kim Watson  Vote was taken and approved 100%.  When the grant from Utah PTA arrives, another vote will need to be taken to grant that money to the school as well.

·         Chick-fil-a Night: March 15th - Jen asked Mr Simmons if the Jazz band would like to play at the store.  If they do, we will still do the event.  If they don't, we'll cancel the night.  They don't make very much money and they require a lot of people to be there.

·         Debate Tournament Concessions: March 31st.  PTSA will do that, but we need to get help.  Can debate parents help?  Can any PTSA people help? 

·         Communication was brought up again.  How do we get more parents involved?  How do we get teachers to buy in? How do we bridge the gap?  The school has restructured over the last few years and we need to follow.  Think in pods/teams like the grades are structured.  How do we get more students involved?  Activities during lunch?  Activities on Friday Mornings?

·         Next meeting April 13th @1pm

Meeting Adjourned at 2:25pm.

Monday, February 29, 2016

2-2-16 Minutes

MJMS PTSA Board Meeting
Tuesday, Feb 2 1:00 pm

Roll Call: Jen Wilkey, Julie Cluff, Kelly Collinson, Andrea Pelley, John Hellwig, Karen Green
Approval of Feb 3 meeting minutes motion by Andrea Pelley, 2nd by Kelly Collinson, 100% approved.

Treasurer Report:Beginning Balance $4435.18, ending balance: $6807.67
Money from Picaboo mess up last year- go to piano?  If not needed, possibly a set of risers for the choir.
Fundraiser and partnerships: Papa Murphy’s spirit week this week.  Flyers passed out and notice on monitors for PT Conferences.
Battle of the Books: Next Meetup Feb 11
Final Battle: March 29
Need to order awards.  Andrea asked for a balance for the BoB budget.
PTSA Student Association: PTSA Student Group will be Thursday,  Feb 18, 2:30-3:15 in the health room.  We are having a game day (board games, uno, etc...). I probably don't need much help on that one - maybe one other person.
Memory Book: we need volunteers at the table.
computers for table:
hand out last years memory books?
We need access to the teacher Drop Box of pictures.  John recommended talking with Melody Carver about this. Gain access through PTSA member with access to account.

Parent Teacher Conferences: volunteer Spot- Just a few volunteers needed.

Nominating Committee:

Next Meeting: March 1

1-6-16 PTA Meeting Miinutes

MJMS PTSA Meeting Minutes

January 6, 2015

Conference Room


Start 1:05pm

Attendance: Jen Wilkey, Julie Cluff, Andrea Pelley, Kelly Collinson, Karen Green, Lisa Hansen, Leslie McAffee,  Dr Hart, Andrea Pelley, Sheri Tait

Approval of minutes:

            December Minutes: Motion - Jen Wilkey. 2nd- Lisa Hansen. Vote was 100% approved


·         Service Report Below: Beginning Balance: 5422.22 Ending Balance: 4555.18

·         Admin: None

·         Membership: 241 members.

·         Student Association: Next mtg: Jan 21st - Playing Games

·         Memory Book: Julie asked: Is lifetouch doing group pictures and what is the date? We need to ask. Skipple will be launched to the students next week by RachelAnn Murphy, Ed Tech.  Posters will go out on Peachjar, all over school and a video will be done for morning announcements.  Julie needs to ask if the skipple app will work on school ipads - answer is no.  It is not set up for ipad yet.

·         Battle of the Books: Next Meeting Jan 12th

·         Fundraiser: Didn't talk about it. 

·         Nominating Committee: Julie Cluff, Kelly Collinson Lisa Hansen.  Voted and approved.  Need slate by Feb Meeting if possible.  Election in March.  We need all positions. Possible names were given.

·         Parent/Teacher Conferences (Feb 3&4):

o    A volunteer Spot will be set up to get volunteers and to get help with set up and clean up each night.  Jen needs someone to organize this:

o   PTSA Table: Memory Books, Membership and Candy.  Julie and Kelly will take the lead on this.  Will have a Volunteer Spot to help.  Julie will make a poster with Teachers who have not signed up yet to get parents to sponsor them!

·         Facebook pages: There are several and it is confusing.  Jen will contact the admins for each and ask them to take them down so parents can find us with more ease. 

·         Saw picture of traveling trophy.  It is awesome.  Ready to use. 

·         Communication was brought up again.  How can we improve our communication with parents? 

Upcoming Events:

·         Classic Fun Skate Night Jan 15 6-10

·         Next Board Meetings:

Tues Feb 2, Tues, Mar 1, Tues Mar 29 (April), Wed May 4

Meeting Adjourned at 2:25pm.

Monday, January 4, 2016


MJMS PTSA Meeting Minutes
December 2, 2015
Conference Room

Start 1:09pm
Attendance: Jen Wilkey, Kim Watson, Julie Cluff, Andrea Pelley, Kelly Collinson, Katrina King, Diane Iman, Karen Green, Mr Hellwig, Dr Hart.  Lisa Hansen
Approval of minutes:
    October Minutes: Motion - Julie Cluff.  2nd - Kelly Collinson. Vote was 100% approved
    November Minutes: MOtion - Katrina King. 2nd- Kim Waton. Vote was 100% approved

  • Service Hours: please report those on the roll
  • Treasurer: Balance $5244.22. Fundraiser is about $900 so far.
  • Admin: Mr Hellwig had nothing to report.  Please email him with anything needed. Dr Hart presented reflections awards over announcements this morning.
  • Membership: 240 members - extend contest through March. For Parent Teacher Conferences make a sponsor a teacher poster.
  • Reflections: 7 entries, 5 moved onto region.
  • Student Association: Next mtg: Dec 10th - will sort and count gloves from Drive. Glove drive has collects 2 bags of gloves so far.  We have about 20-30 students participating each month.  Kim will make a flyer with 2016 dates, but will check with Jen to make sure they don't conflict with school events. Chick-fil-a can do a presentation about team work and leadership skills.
  • Battle of the Books: Doing good, but kids are already trying to drop out. The kids behave better in the library.  Can we use summit cash as a motivator?  Have lunch meetings?  Can I get approval to communicate with the students in CDS Docs?
  • Memory Book: Working with Mrs Carver's 1st period class.  They will help with pictures and hopefully picking of candid pictures that will go in memory book.  Can I get approval or account to see pictures teachers and staff are putting in folder is CDS docs??? Kristi Kimble has Halloween pictures from a student's dad that is a professional photographer.  I will email her and get his info and the pics.  Need a co-chair for next year to take over the next year!
  • Fundraiser: Doing good.  We have about $900 so far.  Admin has offered to do challenges if we meet a $4000 goal.  Kids voted on what admin would do.  Now, how do we get them motivated to reach the goal?
  • Teacher Appreciation for Holidays: Friday, Dec 18th - Chick-fil-a and sign ups for treats and drinks. Katrina and Diane will help Jen. Goodwood was suggested for Teacher Appreciation Week.

Upcoming Events and deadlines:
  • Dec 4th - Classic Fun Skate Night
  • PTSA Student Meeting: Dec 10th
  • Vote for Nominating Committee and Choir and Band Concerts Dec 15th and 16th
  • PTSA Board Meeting; Jan 6th at 1pm
  • Chick-fil-a Night: Jan 6th 5-7pm
  • Battle of the Books Mini Battle: Jan 13th
  • Classic Fun Skate Night Jan 15th

Other Discussion Points:
  • There is a disconnect with students getting info home to parents.  How can we fix this???
  • Still need for a roaming trophy for incentives.
  • Need more parents to be involved.  How do we get them here?
  • Skipple can start for Memory Book pictures.

Meeting Adjourned at 2:25pm.

Minutes 11-3-2016

MJMS PTSA Meeting Minutes

November 3, 2015

Conference Room

Start 1:04pm

Attendance: Jen Wilkey, Kim Watson, Julie Cluff, Andrea Pelley, Kelly Collinson, Betty Shaw, Stephanie Yorgason, One more lady, Dr Hart.

Excused: Karen Green

Approval of minutes: We forgot


·         Service Hours: please report those on the roll

·         Treasurer: See report.  We are doing well.  More came in that went out.

·         Admin: Nothing

·         Membership: 225 members - extend contest through March

·         Parent Teacher Conference: Lines were too long which angered many parents. Suggestion was made to move conferences back to gym.  That will give teachers more accountability to stay on time.  It was mentioned that the SCC's getting ready for conferences flyer may have contributed to the long lines. It was too much for both sides to bring to a 3 minute conference. Do we want to have a PTSA table at February Conferences?  No if it is still in the houses.  Maybe if we are in the gym.  It is hard to get people to sit at the table.

·         Cafe Zapus: We did not meet their $350 limit so we didn't make any money.  There was confusion as to which location and we didn't advertise very well.  Others Cons: It is really expensive, many kids don't like to eat there, eat in only and the dining room is small.  Maybe it is not a good fit for our school.

·         Battle of the Books: Kick off went well.  The next meeting is November 16th from 2:30 to 3:30pm.  One more helper is needed.  Kim volunteered to help. ELA teachers have been very supportive and helpful.  We will do a mini battle in December after school, date TBA.  Eastmont has contacted us and finished the paper to start a program as well.  If they can get it together, maybe a battle between the schools can be done in the spring.  We have 12 strong teams compared to 7 last year. 

·         Student Committee: Last activity was human checkers on the new board in the cafeteria.  It was chaotic.  Next activity will be prep for the Gloves Service Drive.  It will be on November 12th and we will make posters and decorate boxes.  Advertizing will kick off Nov 18th.  The drive will run from Nov 30th to Dec 4th.  A box will go in each grade house on each floor.  Talked about a prize for the winning grade/team.  Talked about the need for a traveling trophy for this purpose.

·         Memory Book: Dr Hart reported that the IT department is still working on the skipple app's approval.  As soon as that is in place, we will roll that out to students and families to start using to collect pictures for the memory book. We asked about a student club to take pictures and help with online editing and we were told to hold off.  Dr Hart will check and see what happened to the cameras purchased last year to use for this year.  The book is up to 66 pages and a cost of $16.13.  So we will charge $17.  Dr Hart has made the stipulation that the memory book not be sent for final printing until she approves it.  Julie will drop the student pictures into the online software and will then know a final page count.  Julie would like to start selling books in January both at the school and online.

·         Reflections: Nov 12th deadline.  We have 3 entries so far.  One of the cluster teachers would like to have each of her students turn something in.  Kelly asked that an email be sent out through skyward about the deadline.  Dr Hart said that could be done.

·         Fundraiser: Will go out next week.  Goal is $10 per student for a $9000 goal.

·         Debate Concessions: PTSA to help organize the volunteers. 

Upcoming Events and deadlines:

·         Nov 12th - Reflections Deadline

·         Nov 12th - Student Activity

·         Nov 16th - Battle of the Books

·         Dec 1st - PTSA Meeting 1pm in the Conference room

·         Dec 4th - Classic Fun Skate Night

Other Discussion Points:

·         Dr Hart's requests that pictures be taken at all events and activities and emailed to her. 

·         Only painter's tape can be used to put up posters around the school.  No staples, masking tape, etc.

·         Morning announcements can be made by contacting

·         For announcements/flyers for the TV System contact

·         Dr Hart would like to have a traveling trophy for contests, etc.  Like the Mountaineer Award.

Meeting Adjourned at 2:20pm.