Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Mintues 3-1-16

MJMS PTSA Meeting Minutes

March 1, 2016

Conference Room



Start 1:00pm

Attendance: Jen Wilkey, Julie Cluff, Andrea Pelley, Kelly Collinson, Lisa Hansen, Karen Green, Isabel Santiago, Kim Watson, Diane Iman, Katrina King


Approval of minutes:

            February Minutes: Motion - Lisa Hansen  2nd - Andrea Pelley. Vote was 100% approved



·         Service Hours: please report those on the roll

·         Treasurer: low activity - will include specifics in email

·         Nominating Committee: Still going slow.  So Far: President: Jen Wilkey, Leg VP: Ben Cluff, and Secretary Miranda Guth.  Still need President-Elect, Treasurer and Fundraising VP.  Jen will send an email to the 4 feeder schools.  Julie will update flyer for peachjar and emails.

·         Student Club: No activity in March due to low turnout in February (8 kids). How can we improve the program.  Lots of discussion.  Maybe have an application process and hold meetings during the day.  Maybe have student representatives from each team.  Have students do ribbon weeks. 

·         Memory Book: Cover Contest voting will be in two weeks during lunch.  We have 47 books ordered so far.  Peachjar will go out each week.  Julie is worried about getting all the candid's in the book on time.  A deadline was set for spring break.  After that, the committee will start pulling pictures.  For next year: we need a chairman and a student committee would be awesome.  Maybe Ms Carver's class can help as part of the media class?

·         Battle of the Books: Next Meeting March 17th - Final Battle March 29th.  Good on Budget. Volunteer spot will go live in a few days.  Lots of Volunteers needed.  Need help with Breakfast and Lunch.  Discussed future of program.  Andrea would like to see new Librarian take over.  Discussed that it should be school wide and how to get teachers to buy in.   We need to get teacher's feedback to plan and get buy in for next year.

·         PTA Grant for Piano.  To refurbish the piano, it will cost $25,000.  PTSA applied for an arts grant from Utah PTA of $500 matching funds.  The PTSA would like to grant the picaboo refund check to the school to help with the piano refurbishment costs.  Motion made by Lisa Hansen: "I move that we grant the picaboo refund check in the amount of $2039.44 to the school for the purpose to help in the refurbishment of the grand piano in the auditorium." 2nd by Kim Watson  Vote was taken and approved 100%.  When the grant from Utah PTA arrives, another vote will need to be taken to grant that money to the school as well.

·         Chick-fil-a Night: March 15th - Jen asked Mr Simmons if the Jazz band would like to play at the store.  If they do, we will still do the event.  If they don't, we'll cancel the night.  They don't make very much money and they require a lot of people to be there.

·         Debate Tournament Concessions: March 31st.  PTSA will do that, but we need to get help.  Can debate parents help?  Can any PTSA people help? 

·         Communication was brought up again.  How do we get more parents involved?  How do we get teachers to buy in? How do we bridge the gap?  The school has restructured over the last few years and we need to follow.  Think in pods/teams like the grades are structured.  How do we get more students involved?  Activities during lunch?  Activities on Friday Mornings?

·         Next meeting April 13th @1pm

Meeting Adjourned at 2:25pm.

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